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Gym Opening Protocols

The announcement will be coming soon stating what the new protocols are for allowing gyms to open. I will be sending an email out to all of my members as soon as I have that info.

Currently, if all of my members return, we are at full capacity for membership!!! I already have 12 people on a waiting list to start filling in any spots available. If you know anyone hoping to get a membership at Blood Iron, urge them to go to the website and get on the waiting list ASAP!! I will fill spots from that list first come, first serve.

The next few weeks will be a little hectic, I'm sure. I will reopen slowly. I want to wait until other gyms start opening, I want anyone planning to leave to have time to filter out, I want my members to have time to come back. A full blown "as we were" opening will take 2 to 3 weeks to actually emerge.

Thank you for all of the support and thoughts during these 5 long months!! Blood Iron has made a ton of improvements inside and outside with a few more in the works. I am here strong just waiting for everyone to come home!! See you all soon!

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Yessss I can't wait


Jimmy Moritz
Jimmy Moritz

This is the best news ❤️❤️❤️

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